Obesity is a growing problem and I do believe people should be pointing their fingers at advertising. Advertising does an amazing job of attracting consumers. Ads make the product look desirable and appealing which is causing people to crave what they are most exposed to.
The majority of food advertising on television is made up of fast food commercials. This says a lot. People are exposed to ads about fast food, candy and snacks more than fruit and vegetables. When you are being exposed to something multiple times over time you will eventually retain that information and how you felt while watching the ad wether that be: hunger or attraction. When people are hungry they will most likely think of the advertisements they saw first and want to go eat that food item rather than something that doesn’t come to mind. Fruits and vegetables are almost “out of sight, out of mind” when it comes to commercials and advertising.
I think the government should create a law to minimize the amount of fast food, candy and snack ads that are shown on television and other medias. They should be limited to a maximum 30% of food ads. The rest should be filled with content having to do with healthy living, and making smart choices. Although consumers do have a responsibility to take care of themselves I think the amount of unhealthy advertisements is what’s influencing them. Consumers need to be lead in the right direction to making smart and healthy choices. I also thinking adding in repulsive and attention grabbing ads (like the one on the right, "Are you pouring on the pounds?") bashing unhealthy choices would help convince people to change their habits. The more exposure to healthy ads the more the idea of making healthy choices will be put into their brain.
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